In Cure for the Common Life Max Lucado quotes mystic Martin Buber as saying “a divine spark lives in every being and thing” (pgs. 3, 215). This is a quote from Buber’s The Way of Man. In The Way of Man Buber also states “All men can have access to God, but each man has a different access” and “God does not say: ‘This way leads to me that does not,’ but he says: ‘Whatever you do may be a way to me’” (pg. 17). It is strange to consider that such a well-known Christian author would sympathize with these New Age teachings.
Another best-selling book that has filled the shelves of many Christian bookstores is the ever popular Chicken Soup for the Soul written by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Disturbingly, I later discovered that Jack Canfield is a 'psychosynthesis' teacher and Mark Victor Hansen wrote the forward to Arielle Ford’s Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul, a book filled with New Age and Eastern principles (coincidentally, Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul is also written in an identical format to Chicken Soup for the Soul, interpret that however you choose).
On page 248 of The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren quotes New Ager and mystic Aldous Huxley, the single most quoted individual in Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy. Also, on page 33 of the The Purpose Driven Life, Warren provides a quote from Theosophist George Bernard Shaw with no explanation whatsoever.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." - 2nd Timothy 4:3-4
What's wrong with this picture? If you can't see, then I can't help you. Christian authors shouldn't need to draw inspiration from New Age, mystical, occultic, and Theosophical leaders. Whether or not this is any indication as to the authors' true attitudes toward spirituality is yet to be seen, but these and several others are certainly some to watch...
Authors to keep an eye on:
Erwin McManus
Brian McLaren
Max Lucado
Rick Warren
Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Donald Miller
Neale Donald Walsch
In Christ's Love,
Happy to find your site. We agree with what you say -- startling to see this brazen quoting of occult leaders in "Christian" texts.
Please go to YouTube and watch New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger. She documents, with references, the deliberate mix of the New Age and the occult into Bible versions, save the King James Version. Plans include replacing the book of Revelation with the Book of Hermes, which tells people to take "the mark." Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4tVIhCM5Yk Thank you! May God bless in you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Thank you! I will certainly check out the YouTube video (I'm checking it out now, actually). Have you read any of Constance Cumbey's books? They can be rather difficult to get a hold of anymore, but they're certainly worth the trouble. Here's her blog address: http://cumbey.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the comment! You might check out this article as well (unless you already have, of course): http://dailyreflections-matthew.blogspot.com/2008/02/which-bible-translation-do-you-trust.html
Hope to see you around more!
In Christ's Love,
Thank you, Matthew! We will look into Constance's blog asap. Looking forward to it very much.
No problem, glad I could help!
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