Called Gerobatrachus hottoni after its discoverer Nicholas Hotton, a
paleontologist at the Smithsonian Institution, the creature represents a transitional amphibian, sporting features of both frogs and salamanders.
So is this indeed evidence of macro-evolution? Some evolutionists certainly think so. One in particular stated that the next Christian who claimed there was no evidence for macro-evolution would now officially be a "liar for Christ." It is at this point that I feel the need to stress a very important (and not too difficult to figure out) point: If you dig up a bone in the dirt which looks similar to that of both frogs and salamanders, this does not prove that humans evolved from apes! In fact, it doesn't even support "the idea that frogs and salamanders evolved from one ancient amphibian group called temnospondyls" as the article claims. While the find is compatible with the theory, it isn't evidence because we still have not been provided with any reason to believe that any creature was ever capable of doing something that the creatures of today are incapable of: to reproduce something other than it's own kind. The only "evidence" for this that the evolutionists continually proclaim from the mountain-tops is genetic mutation, and there has never in known history been even one documented "beneficial mutation."

It would seem to me that all which has been discovered is a new species of amphibian, and that to insinuate it is anything other than what it is would be folly.

"Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable." - Sir Arthur Keith.
In Christ’s Love,
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