The 'Lakeland Revival' in Lakeland, Florida is an ongoing revival hosted by minister Todd Bentley, and began on April 3, 2008 (yes, as of today it is still in progress). Bentley claims multitudes of 'miraculous healings' have taken place at this revival, including individuals being healed of terminal diseases as well as a claim of at least 18 people (the number keeps changing, so this may not be current) being raised from the dead. Bentley claims these 'great signs and wonders' are evidence of his authenticity.
Unfortunately for Mr. Bentley, if these healings are any reflections on his authenticity, then he is about as authentic as the 'leather' jackets at Wal-Mart. Pastor Larry Reed, Washington State, had terminal bone cancer and attended the Lakeland Revival last week. Mr. Bentley 'healed' him and he stood from his wheel-chair in triumph as the crowd cheered. Tragically, Reed died last Tuesday.
this video and take a closer look at Todd Bentley's testimony.
You decide.
In Christ's Love,
christ's resurrection wasn't observed either.
Apply the same Standard of Evidence Matt.
Jesus was seen by many after the resurrection. He was on earth for forty days from resurrection to ascension. (Acts 1:3) I realize you may not believe this because it is in the Bible but I have no reason not to believe it. It is also recorded in Josephus' writings.
Harry Potter was spotted by many people in those books. So what. He's not real.
Josephus never saw jesus.
Yes, however we have good reason not to believe Harry Potter, for instance the fact that the book itself claims to be "fiction." Butterfly brings up an interesting point. You've offered no reason not to believe the Biblical account. Not all of us default to doubt in the Biblical text as you do.
Likewise, you have no reason NOT to believe this Todd Bentley guy.
People are coming back to life! You don't need any evidence, just believe it because someone said it. That makes it true, Ya Know.
I love what you said, like a "leather jacket in Walmart."
I'm going to steal that saying from you, it's awsome.
Lol, yeah, I was pretty proud of that one.
"Likewise, you have no reason NOT to believe this Todd Bentley guy."
Sure I do, the guy was "healed" of terminal bone cancer, then died of terminal bone cancer less than two weeks later... sounds like a pretty good reason to doubt to me.
Jesus clearly stated in Matthew 7:21-23 that there are those that heal in the name of Jesus, cast out demons in the name of Jesus, and do many wonders in the name of Jesus that do not know Jesus (and by implication are not serving Jesus). In Matthew 24 Jesus warns us of false prophets and false annointings (Messiah=Christ=annointed one) in the last days. 2 Corinthians 11:14 says that Satan presents himself as an angel of light. It is NOT BIBLICAL to say that because a miracle is done in the name of Jesus that it is the work of the Spirit of God, or that it is evidence that the minister is a servant of God. God calls us to be discerners of spirits in 1 John 4:1 and 1 Timothy 4:1. This is serious stuff.
Pastor Baron Eickhoff
Calvary Chapel Space Coast
Pastor Baron, you could not be more right.
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